Mauduit Study Forums
30 developing countries to watch in 2023 by Homi Kharas and Charlotte Rivard. The Brookings Institution, January 10, 2023.
Strong headwinds suggest that 2023 will be a difficult year for global economic development. Avoiding setbacks will be at least as important as making renewed progress.
Congrats, You’re a Member of Congress. Now Listen Up by Stephen M. Walt. Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School, January 11, 2023.
It has come to my attention that the United States has a new Congress in session. It took some doing, but we even have a new speaker of the House, along with 86 new members in the House and Senate (48 Republicans and 38 Democrats). This column is for them (or, perhaps more accurately, for the staff members who will do the real work).
Global Corporate Governance Trends for 2023 by Richard Fields and Rusty O’Kelley, Russell Reynolds Associates. Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, March 10, 2023.
Keeping up with the ever-changing trends in global corporate governance is no easy task, as countries introduce new governance rules that trigger knock-on effects around the world.
Good and inclusive governance is imperative for Africa’s future by John Mukum Mkaku. The Brookings Institution, January 8, 2023.
Among the seven key aspirations listed in Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want—the African Union’s (AU) shared 50-year development and transformation program for realizing the full potential of the continent—one stands out in its interconnectedness: “[a]n Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law” [emphasis added].
Here’s why the world must collaborate on tech governance by Kay Firth-Butterfield and Lucia Velasco. World Economic Forum, January 12, 2023.
The economic and environmental crises facing the world are exacerbated by rising global economic fragmentation. At this year’s meeting in Davos, we gather for dialogue and cooperation, to manage the two huge transitions facing humanity: the ecological and the digital.
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