Mauduit Study Forums
To fulfill our mission to unlock, share, and disseminate knowledge, Mauduit Study Forums will collaborate with a wide group of partners around the world to help shape the future of learning. We believe that we all need to embrace lifelong learning, continuously gaining new knowledge and skills to thrive in an ever-changing and increasingly connected world.
Across our Research and Publications and our wide portfolio of scholarly and professional Journals, we cover the full range of research disciplines—defense and national security, international relations and politics, irregular warfare and terrorism, and Regional Affairs: Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East—providing a home for all sound research and platforms for some of the most important issues of our generation.
As innovators, we need to make information regarding research and thought easily accessible to our readers.
Mauduit Study Forums is an independent platform, non-partisan, and non-profit international network. I devote it to the promotion and advancement of academic and professional inquiries in all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities. I encourage the advancement of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries, analytical approaches, institutions, and nations. Mauduit Study Forums cover world affairs, ideas, and culture, which seek to challenge power and encourage democratic debate across the world. It endeavors to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date research, and to share our knowledge and expertise in the field.
Join us on this exciting and gratifying journey.
Remy Mauduit
Founder of Mauduit Study Forums
Our mission is to unlock, share, and disseminate knowledge
Our vision is to change the way we think about learning
Our seven core values:
Pursue Excellence; Innovate and Drive Change; Embrace Knowledge and Intellectual Pursuits; Be Bold, Creative, and Open-Minded; Pursue Leadership and Take Initiative; Be Passionate and Determined; Be Humble.