Volume I, Issue 1, 2022
International Relations & Politics Forum
a Mauduit Study Forums’ Journal
Editor, Remy Mauduit
Truth Versus Ignorance in Democratic Politics: An Existentialist Perspective on the Democratic Promise of Political Freedom
Pascal König is a researcher at TU Kaiserslautern and a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow & Visiting Scholar 2021-2022, Germany.
The Backlash Against Globalization
Stefanie Walter, professor of international relations and political economy, Department of Political Science (IPZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Bringing Morgenthau’s Ethics In, Pluralism, Incommensurability, and the Turn from Fragmentation to Dialogue in IR
Haro L. Karkour teaches at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Dominik Giese, Marie-Sklodowska Curie Action Researcher, Universtität Hamburg and University of Warwick. Germany, UK & Germany.
The Promise of Democracy: The Performative Social Contract, Pluralism, and Equality
Fred D’Agostino, Emeritus Professor, Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia.
Constituent power and its institutions
Joel I. Colón-Ríos, Lecturer in Law, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
Eva Marlene Hausteiner, Postdoctoral Lecturer and Researcher, Political Theory, University of Bonn, and Affiliated Member, Research Cluster “Transformations of Antiquity”, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Hjalte Lokdam, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Pasquale Pasquino, Professor, New York University’s Department of Politics, USA.
Lucia Rubinelli, Assistant Professor, Yale University, USA.
Will Selinger, Lecturer, European History, University College of London, UK.
From the theater to the hippodrome: A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative
Illés Gábor, senior lecturer, Centre for Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), Budapest, Hungary.
András Körösényi, Faculty of Law, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
The Births of International Studies in China
Yih-Jye Hwang, Assistant Professor, International Relations, Leiden University, Netherlands.
MENA political science research a decade after the Arab uprisings: Facing the facts on tremulous grounds
André Bank, Senior Research Fellow, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany.
Jan Busse, Senior Research Fellow & Lecturer, Global Politics and Conflict Studies, Institute of Political Science, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany.
On the Concept of International Disorder
Aaron McKeil, Course Convenor, and Course Tutor, Executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
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