Defense & Security | International Relations & Politics | Irregular Warfare & Terrorism | Africa | Asia & Pacific | Europe | Latin America | MENA
Abbas, Tahir, Leiden University, Netherlands.
Far-Right and Islamist Radicalisation in an Age of Austerity. A Review of Sociological Trends and Implications for Policy
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Alden, Chris, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) & South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA). UK & South Africa.
The Arctic and Africa in China’s Foreign Policy: How Different Are They and What Does This Tell Us
The Africa Forum
Ali, Hager, GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies, Hamburg, Germany.
Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan Failed Long Before the Taliban Took Over
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism
Amorim, Samuel Conde, Sophia University, Brazil.
Brazil’s Quest for Autonomy in Asia: the Role of Strategic Partnerships with China and Japan
Latin America Forum
Avritzer, Leonardo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) & The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil.
The Pandemic and the Crisis of Democracy in Brazil
Latin America Forum
Azalia, Juan Carlos Ladines, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru.
The Structural Power of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) in Multilateral Development Finance: A Case Study of the New Development Bank
Latin America Forum
Bank, André, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany.
MENA political science research a decade after the Arab uprisings. Facing the facts on tremulous grounds
International Relations & Politics
Bellaby, Ross W., University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Can AI Weapons Make Ethical Decisions?
Defense & Security Forum
Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø, Arctic University of Norway, Norway.
The Arctic and Africa in China’s Foreign Policy: How Different Are They and What Does This Tell Us?
The Africa Forum
Biegon, Rubrick, University of Kent, UK.
Security Cooperation as Remote Warfare. The US in the Horn of Africa.
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Bohigues, Asbel, University of Valencia, Spain.
Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Latin Americans: Covariance of Attitudes Toward the United States and China
Latin America Forum
Busse, Jan, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany.
MENA political science research a decade after the Arab uprisings. Facing the facts on tremulous grounds
International Relations & Politics Forum
Carmody, Pádraig, University of Dublin University of Johannesburg, Ireland & South Africa.
China’s Spatial Fix and ‘Debt Diplomacy’ in Africa: Constraining Belt or Road to Economic Transformation?
The Africa Forum
Carrozza, Ilaria, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway.
Legitimizing China’s Growing Engagement in African Security: Change within Continuity of Official Discourse
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Carty, Anthony, Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law, China.
Theory and Practice in China’s Approaches to Multilateralism and Critical Reflections on the Western ‘Rules-Based International Order’
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Casier, Tom, University of Kent, Belgium.
Russia and the diffusion of political norms: the perfect rival?
The Europe Forum
Charbonneau, Bruno, Royal Military College Saint-Jean & Université of Québec, Canada.
Counter-Insurgency Governance in the Sahel
The Africa Forum
Chen, Chien-Kai, Rhodes College, TN, USA.
China in Latin America Then and Now: A Systemic Constructivist Analysis of China’s Foreign Policy
Latin America Forum
Colombo, Silvia, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, Italy.
Europe and the ‘New’ Middle East
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Colón-Ríos, Joel, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
D’Agostino, Fred, University of Queensland, Australia.
The Promise of Democracy. The Performative Social Contract, Pluralism, and Equality.
International Relations & Politics Forum
Darwich, May, University of Birmingham & German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), UK & Germany.
Alliance Politics in the Post-2011 Middle East: Advancing Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
DiCarlo, Jessica, Colorado, Boulder, USA.
The New Cold War and the Rise of the 21st-Century Infrastructure State
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Didier, Brice, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
The European Union and the Liberal International Order in the Age of ‘America First’ Attempted Hedging and the Willingness-Capacity Gap
The Europe Forum
Duggan, Niall, University College Cork, Ireland.
Navigating Ontological (in)security in EU–Africa Relations
The Africa Forum
Duggan, Niall, University College Cork, Ireland.
The Structural Power of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in Multilateral Development Finance: A Case Study of the New Development Bank
Latin America Forum
Esteban, Mario, Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid, Spain.
China and Western Aid Norms in the Belt and Road: Normative Clash or Convergence? A Case Study on Ethiopia
The Africa Forum
Ferreira-Pereira, Laura C., University of Minho & University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Brazil’s Quest for Autonomy in Asia: the Role of Strategic Partnerships with China and Japan
Latin America Forum
Freedman, Jane, Université Paris 8, Paris, France.
Identity, stability, Hybrid Threats and Disinformation
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Fujita, Masataka, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-Japan Centre, Japan.
Can ASEAN Retain Centrality in Indo-Pacific Region? From a GVC Point of View
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Fulton, Jonathan, Zayed University & Atlantic Council, United Arab Emirates.
China Between Iran and the Gulf Monarchies
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Gábor, Illés, Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), Budapest, Hungary.
From the theater to the hippodrome
A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative
International Relations & Politics Forum
Giese, Dominik, Universitat Hamburg & University of Warwick. UK – Germany.
Bringing Morgenthau’s Ethics In. Pluralism, Incommensurability, and the Turn from Fragmentation to Dialogue in IR
International Relations & Politics Forum
Gjørv, Gunhild Hoogensen, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway.
Identity, stability, Hybrid Threats and Disinformation
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Grzymala-Busse, Anna, Stanford University, USA.
Beyond War and Contracts. The Medieval and Religious Roots of the European State.
The Europe Forum
Gu, Jing, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK.
Theory and Practice in China’s Approaches to Multilateralism and Critical Reflections on the Western ‘Rules-Based International Order’
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Guitton, Matthieu J.,
Université Laval & Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec” & Editor-in-Chief, Computers in Human Behavior, Canada.
Fighting the Locusts. Implementing Military Countermeasures Against Drones and Drone Swarms
Defense & Security Forum
Gurtov, Mel, Portland State University & Asian Perspective, USA.
After the Biden-Xi Summit: Finding Common Ground with China
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Haastrup, Toni, University of Stirling & Journal Market Studies (JCMS), UK.
Navigating Ontological (in)security in EU–Africa Relations
The Africa Forum
Haddad, Mary Alice, Wesleyan University, USA.
The Evolution of the East Asian Eco-Developmental State
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Hall, Ian, Griffith Asia Institute & University of Melbourne & Australian Journal of International Affairs, Australia.
India’s Grand Strategy in East Asia in the Era of COVID-19
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Hamming, Tore, King’s College, UK.
Al-Hazimiyya: the Ideological Conflict Destroying the Islamic State from Within
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Hansen, Stig Jarle, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway.
‘Forever wars?’ Patterns of diffusion and consolidation of Jihadism in Africa
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Harrell, Stevan, University of Washington, USA.
The Evolution of the East Asian Eco-Developmental State
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Hausteiner, Eva Marlene, University of Bonn & Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
Heibach, Jens, Research Fellow, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany.
Public Diplomacy and Regional Leadership Struggles: the Case of Saudi Arabia
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Huelss, Hendrik, University of Southern Denmark & European Research Council (ERC), Denmark.
Artificial Intelligence, Weapons Systems, and Human Control
Defense & Security Forum
Hwang, Yih-Jye, Leiden University, Netherlands.
The Births of International Studies in China
International Relations & Politics Forum
Iliana, Olivié, Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid, Spain.
China and Western Aid Norms in the Belt and Road: Normative Clash or Convergence? A Case Study on Ethiopia
The Africa Forum
Innocent, Ndahiriwe, School of Social, Political and Administrative Sciences & the University of Rwanda, Rwanda.
State Building in Post Conflict Rwanda: Popular Participation of Citizen in Local Conflict Mitigation
The Africa Forum
Koch, Kornely, Tbilisi State University & Georgian Institute of Politics, Georgia.
Can the EU’s New Global Strategy Make a Difference? Strengthening Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Countries
The Europe Forum
Kalthoff, Angela, University of Vienna, Austria.
The Competent Citizen. Exploring the Normative Side of Qualified Notions of Citizenship
International Relations & Politics Forum
Karkour, Haro, University of Birmingham, UK.
Bringing Morgenthau’s Ethics In. Pluralism, Incommensurability, and the Turn from Fragmentation to Dialogue in IR
International Relations & Politics Forum
Klimburg-Wittes, Nina, Vienna University, Austria.
Shifting Articulations of Space and Security Boundary Work in European Space Policy Making
The Europe Forum
Koh, Collin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The Decline of South Africa’s Defense Industry
The Africa Forum
König, Pascal, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Truth Versus Ignorance in Democratic Politics: An Existentialist Perspective on the Democratic Promise of Political Freedom
International Relations & Politics Forum
Körösényi, András, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
From the theater to the hippodrome. A critique of Jeffrey Green’s theory of plebiscitary democracy and an alternative
International Relations & Politics Forum
Krebs, Ronald R., University of Minnesota & Modern War Institute at West Point, USA.
No Right to Be Wrong. What Americans Think about Civil-Military Relations
Defense & Security Forum
Krieg, Andreas, College of Defence Studies & Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, UK.
The UAE’s ‘dogs of war’: Boosting a Small State’s Regional Power Projection
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Krotz, Ulrich, European University Institute, Italy.
An Old Couple in a New Setting. Franco-German Leadership in the Post-Brexit EU
The Europe Forum
Langseth Trøan, Magnus, NUPI, Norway.
Hardening Chinese Realpolitik in the 21st Century: The Evolution of Beijing’s Thinking about Arms Control
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Larik, Joris, Young Academy Leiden, Netherlands.
EU external relations law and Brexit ‘When Pluto was a planet’
The Europe Forum
Latham, Andrew Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
A Hidden Victory? The Winter War and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
The Europe Forum
Lavery, Scott, University of Sheffield, UK.
European Integration and the New Global Disorder
The Europe Forum
Lebanidze, Bidzina, Friedrich Schiller University Jena & Georgian Institute of Politics, Georgia.
Can the EU’s New Global Strategy Make a Difference? Strengthening Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Countries
The Europe Forum
Lecha, Eduard Soler I, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Spain.
Europe and the ‘New’ Middle East
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Legucka, Agnieszka, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) & Academy of Finance and Business Vistula, Warsaw, Poland.
Can the EU’s New Global Strategy Make a Difference? Strengthening Resilience in the Eastern Partnership Countries
The Europe Forum
Linden-Vørnle, Michael, National Space Institute (DTU Space), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cyborgs, Neuro Weapons, and Network Command
Defense & Security Forum
Lokdam, Hjalte, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
Long, Tom, University of Warwick & Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, UK & Mexico.
Republican internationalism: the nineteenth-century roots of Latin American contributions to international order
Latin America Forum
Lundgren, Magnus, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The surprising decline of international mediation in armed conflicts
Defense & Security Forum
Lupovici, Amir, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Deterrence and Fear: Incorporating Emotions into the Field of Research
Defense & Security Forum
Mah, Luis, Universidade de Lisboa & Center for Africa and Development Studies (ISEG), Portugal.
Navigating Ontological (in)security in EU–Africa Relations
The Africa Forum
Matthews, Ron, UK Defence Academy, UK.
The Decline of South Africa’s Defense Industry
The Africa Forum
McKeil, Aaron, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
On the Concept of International Disorder
International Relations & Politics Forum
Milevski, Lukas, Leiden University, Netherlands.
Colin S. Gray, Deterrence and Contingency
Defense & Security Forum
Morgenstern, Scott, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Latin Americans: Covariance of Attitudes toward the United States and China
Latin America Forum
Myers, Margaret, Inter-American Dialogue, USA.
Overstretching or Overreaction? China’s Rise in Latin America and the US Response
Latin America Forum
Nørgaard, Katrine, Royal Danish Defense College, Denmark.
Cyborgs, Neuro Weapons, and Network Command
Defense & Security Forum
Ouellet, Eric, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada.
Iran: Asymmetric Strategy and Mass Diplomacy
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Pahlavi, Pierre, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada.
Iran: Asymmetric Strategy and Mass Diplomacy
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Pasquino, Pasquale, New York University, USA.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
Paudel, Dinesh, Appalachian State University, USA.
The New Cold War and the Rise of the 21st-Century Infrastructure State
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Pu, Xiaoyu, University of Nevada, USA.
Overstretching or Overreaction? China’s Rise in Latin America and the US Response
Latin America Forum
Pursiainen, Christer, Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Norway.
The Arctic and Africa in China’s Foreign Policy: How Different Are They and What Does This Tell Us?
The Africa Forum
Ralston, Robert, 7 MIT’s Security Studies Program, USA.
No Right to Be Wrong. What Americans Think about Civil-Military Relations
Defense & Security Forum
Rapport, Aaron, Georgia State University, USA.
No Right to Be Wrong. What Americans Think about Civil-Military Relations
Defense & Security Forum
Razakamaharavo, Velomahanina, Technical University Munich, Germany.
Identity, stability, Hybrid Threats and Disinformation
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Renard, Thomas, The Hague Egmont Institute & Brussels School of Governance, Netherland–Belgium.
Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Rennó, Lucio, University of Brasília & The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil.
The Pandemic and the Crisis of Democracy in Brazil
Latin America Forum
Rewizorski, Marek, University of Gdańsk, Poland.
The Structural Power of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in Multilateral Development Finance: A Case Study of the New Development Bank
Latin America Forum
Richter, Thomas, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany.
New Petro‐aggression in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia in the Spotlight
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Rubinelli, Lucia, Yale University, USA.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
Schindler, Seth, University of Manchester, UK.
The New Cold War and the Rise of the 21st-Century Infrastructure State
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Schmid, Davide, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
European Integration and the New Global Disorder
The Europe Forum
Schramm, Lucas, European University Institute, Italy.
An Old Couple in a New Setting. Franco-German Leadership in the Post-Brexit EU
The Europe Forum
Schulz, Carsten-Andreas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
Republican internationalism: the nineteenth-century roots of Latin American contributions to international order
Latin America Forum
Selinger, Will, University College of London, UK.
Constituent power and its institutions
International Relations & Politics Forum
Söderberg, Marie, European Institute of Japanese Studies & Stockholm School of Economics & Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden.
EU-Japan Connectivity Promises
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Sonnicksen, Jared, Universityof Konstanz, Germany.
Can the EU Be a Federal Democracy? Assessing the Horizontal and Vertical Dimension of the EU Government from a Comparative Perspective
The Europe Forum
Stålhane Hiim, Henrik, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies & Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Norway.
Hardening Chinese Realpolitik in the 21st Century: The Evolution of Beijing’s Thinking about Arms Control
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Stetter, Stephan, University of the Federal Armed Forces, Germany.
The Middle East in Global Modernity: Analytic Polycentrism, Historic Entanglements, and a Rejuvenated Area Studies Debate
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Stevens, Tim, King’s Cyber Security Research Group, King’s College, London, UK.
Knowledge in the Grey Zone: AI and Cybersecurity
Defense & Security Forum
Svensson, Isak, Uppsala University, Sweden.
The surprising decline of international mediation in armed conflicts
Defense & Security Forum
Taylor, Ian, University of St Andrews & Renmin University University of Stellenbosch & University of Addis Ababa, China, South Africa & Ethiopia.
China’s Spatial Fix and ‘Debt Diplomacy’ in Africa: Constraining Belt or Road to Economic Transformation?
The Africa Forum
Thaler, Kai, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
Military Integration and Intelligence Capacity. Informational Effects of Incorporating Former Rebels
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Thies, Cameron, Arizona State University, USA.
The Nexus of Populism and Foreign Policy: The Case of Latin America
Latin America Forum
Tok, Evren, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Education City, Qatar.
The Gulf Cooperation Council States: Crystallization of the Regional Cooperation and Alliances amid Dwindling Resources
The Middle East & North Africa Forum
Walter, Stefanie, University of Zurich, Switzerland
The Backlash Against Globalization
International Relations & Politics Forum
Watts, Tom, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
Security Cooperation as Remote Warfare The US in the Horn of Africa
Irregular Warfare & Terrorism Forum
Wehner, Leslie E., University of Bath, UK.
The Nexus of Populism and Foreign Policy: The Case of Latin America
Latin America Forum
Wu, Austin, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
A Hidden Victory? The Winter War and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
The Europe Forum
Yap, Fiona, College of Asia and the Pacific & European Journal of Development Research & Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies & Presidential-powers.net & Australian National University, Australia.
Local Politics for Democratic Quality and Depth: Lessons from South Korea
The Asia-Pacific Forum
Zajontz, Tim, University of Edinburgh & University, Scotland & South Africa.
China’s Spatial Fix and ‘Debt Diplomacy’ in Africa: Constraining Belt or Road to Economic Transformation?
The Africa Forum
Defense & Security | International Relations & Politics | Irregular Warfare & Terrorism | Africa | Asia & Pacific | Europe | Latin America | MENA