America Is Too Scared of the Multipolar World by Stephen M. Walt. Foreign Policy, March 7, 2023.
After the United States moved from the darkness of the Cold War into the pleasant glow of the so-called unipolar moment, a diverse array of scholars, pundits, and world leaders began predicting, yearning for, or actively seeking a return to a multipolar world.
Four Contending U.S. Approaches to Multilateralism by Stewart Patrick. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 23, 2023.
The era of U.S. President Donald Trump exposed the shortcomings of a unilateralist and hyper-nationalist approach to the pursuit of U.S. global objectives. Although that orientation still commands support in some Republican quarters, a more compelling foreign policy debate for the United States has emerged: What form of multilateralism is currently best suited to advance U.S. national interests and international stability?
Global Perspectives on the War in Ukraine by Stephen Herzog, Natalie Colbert, Peter Ajak, John S. Park, Guido Torres, and Edward P. Djerejian. Belfer Center, Karvard Kennedy School, February 24, 2023.
The war in Ukraine impacts regions around the world. Belfer Center experts reflect on how the conflict is affecting the countries and regions they study.
Multilateralism, and International Law by Kristian Humble. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, January 13, 2023.
The political climate and political ideology of many states around the world are increasingly falling victim to populism. Populist ideals are gaining a foothold by challenging the liberal discourse and offering an alternative to the perceived established order.
What in the World Will Happen in 2023? By Richard Haass. Council on Foreign Affairs, January 3, 2023.
The American baseball player Lawrence “Yogi” Berra is widely quoted as observing, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Whether or not he actually said it, the point is valid. Nevertheless, here are ten predictions for the world for the year just getting underway.
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