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A shift is taking place in U.S.-China relations by Junhua Zhang. Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG, February 20, 2023.
The thaw that began with the November meeting of Presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden in Bali will likely continue. While the recent brazen intrusion of a surveillance balloon over U.S. territory reminded America of China’s untrustworthiness, better relations are likely to happen for one overriding reason: Due to economic woes, President Xi has decided he needs to “make peace” – at least for now – with the U.S.
China’s Economy is Rebounding, But Reforms Are Still Needed by Diego A. Cerdeiro and Sonali Jain-Chandra. International Monetary Fund, February 3, 2023.
The economy will expand 5.2 percent this year, according to our latest projections, versus 3 percent last year. That’s good news for China and the world as the Chinese economy is now expected to contribute a third of global growth this year.
Disengagement from China: United States and European Union Policies Compared by Margot Schüller. German Institute for Global and Area Studies, 2023.
In contrast to the United States’ unilateral China policy under President Donald Trump, the Joe Biden administration has renewed its ties with European and Asian allies. In its struggle with China for supremacy, the US strives to build a “united front” based on similar values. Although European countries share many values with the US, the China policies of the European Union and some of its member states substantially differ, not least due to diverging threat perceptions and economic interests.
The China imperative for multinational companies by Nathan Woetzel, Joe Ngai, Jeongmin Seong, Kweilin Ellingrud, Nick Leung, Franck Le Deu, Sven Smit, and Peixi Wang. McKinsey Global Institute, January 15, 2023.
Over the past 30 years, multinational companies (MNCs) have enjoyed an increasingly open world. Taking advantage of a unipolar globe with relatively free flows of capital, trade, and ideas, MNCs tapped capital from wherever they chose, built businesses optimized for global supply and global demand, and served increasingly globalized customers. That may no longer be possible.
The PLA’s Strategic Support Force and Innovation by Amy J. Nelson and Gerald L. Epstein. The Brookings Institution, December 23, 2022.
If China’s strategic ambitions for AI are clear, how it intends to integrate AI into the PLA remains opaque. The CCP’s goals for militarized AI are still shrouded in mystery, even as the PLA views AI as a technology that will be vital for driving next-generation warfare.
U.S.-China Trade Stayed Robust in 2022. Will That Last? A ChinaFile Conversation. ChinaFile, February 28, 2023.
The recent 2022 U.S.-China goods trade figures underscore that despite escalating geopolitical tensions, continued high tariffs, and a barrage of export controls and regulatory restrictions, the U.S.-China trade relationship remains robust.
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